I've been sitting here trying to think of what exactly I want to share with all of you. It's been a while since my last update, and I want to be consistent in my posts. This will probably more writing and less pictures...I hope that's okay. :) First off, I want to apologize for all of my terrible grammar issues in the last post! I reread it today and noticed so many mistakes! I usually write right before I go to bed, like I am now, so I think I am just too tired to read through and spell check everything, so just ignore them. :)
I've officially passed the halfway point of my trip. It is crazy to think that I am going home in less than 40 days. I miss being home and my family so so much. It's also been a lot harder being away from camp than I thought it would be. Camp has been my life every summer since I was 10 years old, so it's really weird to think that camp is going on and I'm not there. It's hard, but it's also exhilarating! The Lord is challenging me in new and exciting ways, I can't imagine being anywhere else this summer. While I miss camp and all of the awesome things that go on at New Life Ranch, I am so glad that the Lord brought me to Tuscany for this adventure. I've always wondered what it would be like to live life in another country, and that is exactly what I've been experiencing this summer. I haven't gone to any museums, historical sites, or anything like that...I have been experiencing the Italian culture first hand. I've been grocery shopping, bike riding around the neighborhood and parks, the beach, walking along the town square at night, local pizzerias. I've taken the boys to school, I've taken them to their swim lessons, I've cooked for them, gone to big family dinners, spent a day out on the sea on a brand new boat, and so so much more! I have been living life! How cool is that?! I get really excited thinking about everything I will take back with me this summer, things that I've learned about Italy and her people. It's such a different and amazing culture, I have definitely come to love these people...and I can't wait to share it with others when I get back home.
Like I said above, we spent Sunday out on the sea in Daniele's brand new boat! It was so gorgeous and perfect weather for a day spent swimming, eating, snoozing, and just relaxing! We met up with a bunch of the family's friends and they tied five boats all together and everyone was hopping to and from all of the boats. It was so fun! Here are a few pictures of our time out there!
A fun day is in store for us! |
A nearby town called Piombino, where the marina was located. |
My view from where I sat and read :) |
The boys loved to climb through the window into the cabin... |
Beautiful! |
The sun was going down when we were leaving |
My two buddies! They were so tired..haha |
Where we spent our Sunday... |
I loved how the water looked...so smooth. |
So that was our day in pictures! It is just so gorgeous everywhere I go...I love it! I am fascinated with the ocean, I freak out every single time I see it...and the family is so amused by this. I keep trying to tell them how Oklahoma is NOT by an ocean and the closest one is not close at all. They are very intrigued by this, having all grown up so close to the sea. It's always a fun conversation. :)
I wanted to share with you all something that the Lord has been trying to get through to me. It's something that I've always known, always have struggled with, and unfortunately will struggle with again. It's about the importance of getting into His word daily and taking time to just be with Him. It's something I've always struggled with, using excuses of exhaustion, not having time, laziness, etc. The excuses are endless, but they are also pointless. The Lord knows me, inside and out. He knows exactly what I'm doing when I choose to watch a movie or take a nap - rather than spend time with him. I don't really understand why I choose to not spend time with Him...He always has a way of cheering me up and encouraging during those times. My days are always better, and easier, after I have a quiet time. This summer, for example, I have been really really bad about spending time with Him. I think I wanted to prove to myself that I could do this, I could leave my family and go to a foreign country - not knowing a single soul or even the language - and I could do it by myself. That was so silly of me, you guys. As the days went on, and I've already shared some of this with you all, but I would get so frustrated and was quick to get angry when the boys misbehaved. I knew right away that I was being ridiculous in thinking that I could do this on my own. I'm only me...but God is God and can do all things. So lately I have been making time to spend alone and in the Word. It is SO GOOD, you guys!! The Lord is so cool in the ways He encourages me, He always lets me know exactly what I need to hear.
The other day I was reading My Utmost for His Highest (which I LOVE) and it was talking about how one of our greatest hindrances in our spiritual lives is that we will only look for big things to do. He explained that we need to learn how to live in the daily routine of life with the purpose of forming godly habits and starting with ourselves. There are so many blessings in everyday life, and I am definitely seeing that this summer! There are so many opportunities for us to further His Kingdom without having to go looking for that "big thing", whatever that may be. We just have to keep our eyes, and hearts, open to whatever and wherever He may lead us. So I challenge you all to keep your eyes and hearts open to whatever He may be trying to show you and teach you!
Oh, and in reference to the title of this post...it's true - I still do not like seafood. Surprised? Probably not. But, in BIG news, I did eat lobster last week and actually liked it! I even had seconds! :) Go me!!
Lastly, I just want to ask for continued prayer for patience with the boys and that I will continue in my daily quiet times. I am also missing my family a lot! I am already so excited to see them all when I get home. :) Thanks so much for reading everybody! I will update again soon, promise!